United Nations Sustainability Goals
How we make a difference?
We aim to make a difference by working and partnering with small communities.
In Peru our manufacturing partner work with communities of mothers.
They work from their own homes, have their own hand loom and set their own hours and pay whilst still being able to take care of their children. Our partner is Peru Fair Trade Certified giving us peace of mind they are adhering to close supervision of Fair Trade statements and maintaining harmonic alliances with artisans and suppliers.
In Nepal we partner with a small family business.
Manufacturing is solely on hand looms by 5-6 artisans who have learnt their craft and knowledge of looming from generations before.
Our partner is a member of the Nepal Pashmina Industries Association(NPIA) ensuring Codes of Conduct and Standards are met within the supply chain, for example no child labour.
By partnering with small communities and family, we assist in the economic, health and social wellbeing of each artisan.
What is our goal?
Our goal is to reduce any negative impact on the environment.
Our manufacturing and production is small, NOT mass production.
Water consumption used in manufacturing is limited and controlled.
Hand looming equates to low energy consumption.
Toxic free dyes used.
All our packaging is produced from recycled or FSC paper.
Plastic bag usage is kept to an absolute minimum and is re-used.
By demonstrating these values we continue to seek to be responsible in our production practices.
What matters?
The source animal and environment matters to us.
Goats live and roam freely at high mountainous altitudes in Asian highlands which limits impact on local community grasslands.
Alpaca consumption of grass and water is extremely low.
They do not churn up the top soil with their hooves when grazing, decreasing soil damage and increasing soil fertility.
Production and volume of alpaca fibre is high due to the hair fibre being 3 x longer than that of other animals.
Goat fibre is harvested by shedding and combing whilst alpaca fibre is sheared.
It matters no harm is brought to the animal or their environment in pursuit of our business aims.